INITIAL DOSAGE: Actual feed rates will be a function of feed water oxygen content, which is based on the temperature of the feed water, sodium sulfite residual maintained in the boiler water, and the cycles of concentration in the boiler. The following are very general guidelines for initial feed rates for an operating boiler. Boiler water residuals should be maintained at 30-60ppm as Na2SO3 and the feed rate adjusted to provide this level after the boiler water has been tested. No boiler should be run without regular verification of chemical residuals.
Feed water temperature less than 90*F, use 52-64 fluid ounces of product per 1,000 gallons of feed water. |
Temperatures above 90*F and below 160*F, use 28-52 fluid ounces of product per 1,000 gallons of feedwater |
Temperatures above 160*F and below 210*F, use 6-28 fluid ounces of product per 1,000 gallons of feedwater. |
In a boiler that uses a properly functioning deaerator, use 2 fluid ounces of product per 1,000 gallons of feedwater. |
Maintenance Dosage: Add AQL 109 to the deaerator storage tank, feedwater storage tank or condensate receiver to maintain a 30-60ppmsodium sulfite residual in the boiler water as measured by a sulfite test kit.
Method of Feed: AQL 109 can be fed directly into the deaerator storage tank, feedwater tank or condensate receiver by using a stainless steel-injection quill inserted below the water level in the tank. This product should not be mixed with other boiler treatment products in a chemical feed tank. AQL 109 can be mixed with good-quality condensate, boiler feedwater or city water provided the pH is not greater than 8.4. In this case, feed the product neat
Note: Do not feed this product into the feedwater line immediately before the feedwater pump or directly into the boiler. Use a floating blanker in the chemical storage tank to prevent the active component from reaching with air.
SYSTEM OPERATING PARAMETERS: Follow the parameters outlined for internal boiler water treatment
PRODUCT CONTROL PARAMETERS: Add sufficient treatment to maintain
30-60ppm sodium sulfite in the boiler water.
MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED Contains Sodium Sulfite. Individuals sensitive to sulfite-containing products may have an allergic reaction to this product. If such a reaction occurs, discontinue use and consult a physician. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wear neoprene or nitrite rubber gloves if repeated or prolonged skin contact is likely. Wear safety glasses if the method of use presents the likelihood of eye contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing the mist. Use sufficient ventilation to avoid the buildup of mist. Swallowing may cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea and an allergic reaction similar to inhalation if sensitive to sulfites.
FOR SKIN CONTACT: Wash affected areas with plenty of soap and water for several minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation develops.
FOR EYE CONTACT: Rinse the eyes with water. Remove any contact lenses and continue flushing with plenty of water for several minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation develops.
IF INHALED: Remove from the area to fresh air. If not breathing, clear the airway and start mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Get immediate medical attention.
IF SWALLOWED: Give 3 to 4 glasses of water, but DO NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, give fluids again. Get immediate medical attention if discomfort occurs.
See the Material Safety Data Sheet for more information.
For medical or environmental emergencies, call 044-26257499.